Goal-setting, it’s going to be the best year!

Goal setting process


“All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” ~Winston Churchill

This year, will you be where you want to be? If your answer is no, don’t worry — there’s still time to set some goals and achieve them. Let’s find the goals to set for yourself. First I will share a few reasons why goal setting is worth it and then a few tips to help you get started.

Do you wonder if achieving some goal is worth it? Well, good news: it is never too late to set a goal and make a change. You should have long term goals to set for yourself and short term goals to set for yourself. Here are three reasons why goal setting is important and how you can get started.

1. Goal setting is a way to monitor progress, which can help you feel accomplished. As a bonus, you may learn how to set up your work schedule better and more efficiently.

“One of America’s most famous business tycoons, John D. Rockefeller, was quoted as saying: ‘Am I to be or not to be? That is the question.’ He eventually became the wealthiest man in American history because goal-setting helped him develop his business strategy.”

2. Goal setting helps you focus on work you actually care about.

“Remember that goal-setting helps you focus on work you actually care about, giving you a sense of purpose beyond the mere day-to-day running of your business.”

3. Goal setting is important because it allows you to make the most of your time.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill goal setting is important because it allows you to make the most out of your time and life.”

Bonus: Goal setting makes us happier because we feel like we are actually progressing towards something.

“Research shows that goal-setting can make us happier because we feel like we are actually progressing towards something rather than simply marking the days off without any achievement.”

Setting and achieving goals

6 tips to help you get started with goal setting and achieving goals.

1. What is your goal for this year, and why do you want to accomplish it.

2. How will achieving this goal make you feel.

3. Who can help you achieve your goal.

4. What are the steps that need to be taken to reach your goal.

5. Create a timeline of when each step needs to happen in order for the project to be completed by its deadline date.

6. Share what you’re doing with others so they can support and encourage you on days where motivation might not come as easily.

We all know that good intentions alone won’t get us far enough when we’re trying to make real changes in our lives. 

➡️Take some time now to think through what you want from this coming year. 

➡️Why achieving those things matters, who can help support you on this journey.

➡️What steps need to happen in order for everything to work out by its deadline date.

Take a deep breath before getting started because there are plenty of exciting days ahead. Now it is time to start achieving your goals and put that action plan in place.

I hope you found this blog post to be helpful as we discussed how to set and achieve your goals. If you’re feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out for help from those who will support you on the journey! You can also purchase my digital planner that will make it easy for you to stay motivated through the year – no excuses needed!




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Happy Creating,

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