A Note from the Studio…

Note Studio | Love. Family. Quiet. Restlessness. Loss of Focus. Confusion. Love.

Those are only a few things I have felt over the last month. I have been absent for good reason. I lost my mom just over a month ago. I lost my best friend just over a month ago. The one who knew me best and the only one to love me as she loved me. She was my mentor, my friend, my mom. I loved her bunches and still do. The last couple of days have been very hard. I have hurt as I have never hurt in my life for the last month, but I guess with finishing the last few boxes at her house, the endless days and nights of packing, sorting, unpacking, squeezing through boxes, living in upheaval and a mess has caught up to me.

I apologize to all those waiting on fresh designs and ideas. I apologize to all those waiting for me to be back ‘at work.’ I apologize to all my friends waiting for me to support them. PLEASE know this, I did not plan to be so absent. I did not want to be this ‘out of it.’ I did not plan on taking this much time off. I just feel lost and am struggling to get ‘back into the swing’ of things. People, this is hard. Like really, really hard.

I had the honor of writing and reading her Eulogy and would love to share it here with you all. She was so special to so many and we all love her bunches. I am lucky to be her daughter and will do my best to always be humble and kind.

Eulogy of Peg Stone, written by: Julie McCullough

Thank you for being with us today, to celebrate the life of a remarkable woman, my mother Peg. Time is a thief and took her from us all sooner than we wanted. She was a ray of light and fought until her last breath.

She died at the young age of 69 and battled metastatic breast cancer since December 2014. It was not always an easy battle and she fought it often on her own. Hiding behind a shell to protect those she loved. She fought with many new drugs and finally chemo and radiation this year. She wanted to enjoy her days, and be with her family as much as possible. My mom was always taking care of others, she was not one to be cared for, but in July of 2019 she joined us here in Huntsville. I am so thankful for each day she was near. We fought with her as she led the fight.

Growing up we held each other up, we did it together. It was her and I most of the time and I remember her working hard for us. The many accomplishments and the many kind words from her colleagues have stuck with me through the years. She was well known in her field and she was a mentor to many. The papers she wrote, the speeches she prepared and gave, and the many places her work took her, showed me how to work hard and to set your mind to something and you can accomplish anything. Over your lifetime pass on to others skills, values and perspectives. Work hard for yourself not others, be strong, and never shed a tear in front of them.

Her hard work led us on many fun adventures. From San Francisco to Aruba we played hard. Really, we just relaxed hard and enjoyed our time together. ? I remember one time on our annual Florida trip we decided to go out to dinner at Bennigan’s. That night we dressed up alike and everyone thought we were sisters. We got that a lot, even when we were not dressed alike. She was not only my mom but a sister to many. Aruba was her favorite destination and after her first trip we joined her often. This was always a wonderful time enjoying time where the sun is always shining, the wind is always blowing, and the water is blue. We were lucky to join her as a family the last several years. I also loved the time just her and I went, it was a time of laughs, tears, and simple mother/daughter time. Aruba will always hold a special place in my heart.

When John and I got married she threw the best rehearsal dinner anyone could have asked for. It was a time when both sides of the family were together, enjoying each other’s company, simply having a really good time together. We joke that was almost better than the reception, lol. Many ask why I had my mom give me away, and it is because she was so influential on who I was becoming as a woman, it seemed right. She has always meant the world to me and more than just because she was my mom. She mentored me, she taught me to be humble, to be kind, to love all people and most of all how to take care of myself. She taught me the importance of family and traditions. The importance of not sweating the small stuff, finding the good in every situation, and enjoying the moments.

She loved traditions and one I loved so much was Thanksgiving. She always made sure there was more food on the table than we needed for that extra guest. One year when we lived in Toledo we decided to just go out to dinner at a restaurant. We could not make it back to Wisconsin that year and we really did not see the point in cooking a big meal for just two. That NEVER happened again! It was the worst Thanksgiving ever, for us both. From that day forward we always had a big dinner, sometimes with family, sometimes friends, but always with ones we loved. Tons and tons of food. Oh, and the football game of course! I have missed out on the last several years with her, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t regret it. I do regret it and wish I could have had that last Thanksgiving with her and our kids. I can hear her now though, ‘no regrets Julie, you were always with me in spirit, and you are making your own traditions.’ Oh, how I am going to miss her.

Christmas though, oh man did she love Christmas. She always, and I mean always, strived to make it special for everyone. As a kid Santa, presents, food, family and just the warmth of Christmas was wonderful. She made it BIG. Santa even visited a few times. I know Danny will remember one of those visits, I’ll leave it for him to share. Her love and giving heart made it always amazing for each and every one of us. I have so many stories I could tell but I will keep it simple and let each of you know this. Make this Christmas extra special in her memory. Remember that it is a season of love and family. Spread that joy. Spend it with family and show love. Stop for a minute and take the moments in. Look for the smiles from ear to ear of the kids. Hug those close and hug them tight. Love one another.

There are really no words to describe my closeness with my mom. I know this because we were like sisters on some level, to her last day and beyond she took care of me. I also know that the slow, agonizing decline of disease forces even the most optimistic and hopeful to think about and plan for this day. And as such, you start thinking about what you might say during a time like this. There are only feelings, indescribable feelings.

Feelings that make my heart hurt and my whole being melt. My mother was my insides. She is my insides. My guts. My confidence. My bravery and my strength. My sensitivity, my compassion, my loyalty and even my laughter. She is my smile.

If I had to conjure up one life lesson that she would want me to carry for the rest of my life, it is this: Always, no matter what, be humble and kind. There is good in every person, you just need to find it.


Here’s to the ones that we got

Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not

Toast to the ones here today

Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

‘Cause these times bring back all the memories

And the memories bring back you

Cheers to you mom! The one and only best mom ever.

We are all hurting but everything is going to be alright. Together we will share our joy and sadness.

In your memory, we will remember, life contains nothing but clear skies up ahead.

Every time we have to say goodbye, I’m counting down until we say hello.

Love you bunches!

I will be back stronger than ever! I have big plans for 2021 and where my designs will be shared. I encourage you to follow along and support me. If you have something you would like created, please reach out and contact me. I would love to bring some joy into your home!

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